Get token by contract address.
Get token by contract address.
Path Parameters
network stringrequired
Blockchain network name or chain id
Query Parameters
token_address stringrequired
The unique identifier (contract address) of the token in hexadecimal format.
projectId stringrequired
The id of your project. Can be found in your Histori dashboard.
- 200
- 400
- 404
The token details.
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
network_name stringrequired
Blockchain network name For the requested query
chain_id numberrequired
The chain ID of the network.
token_address stringrequired
The contract address of the token.
block_height numberrequired
The block number at which the token was created.
token_type stringrequired
The type of the token (erc20, erc777, etc.).
name stringrequired
The name of the token.
symbol stringrequired
The symbol of the token.
decimals number
The number of decimals for an ERC20 token (optional).
granularity string
The granularity of an ERC777 token (optional).
"network_name": "eth-mainnet",
"chain_id": 1,
"token_address": "0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045",
"block_height": 12345678,
"token_type": "erc20",
"name": "Wrapped Ether",
"symbol": "WETH",
"decimals": 18,
"granularity": "1"
Invalid request parameters.
Token not found.