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Fetch transaction details by hash



Fetch transaction details by hash


Path Parameters

    network stringrequired

    Blockchain network name or chain id

Query Parameters

    tx_hash stringrequired

    The unique idendifier of the transaction (transaction hash). Must be a 32 byte hex string starting with 0x

    currency string

    The currency used for the conversion.

    projectId stringrequired

    The id of your project. Can be found in your Histori dashboard.


Transaction details fetched successfully.


    network_name stringrequired

    The blockchain network name (e.g., eth-mainnet).

    chain_id numberrequired

    The ID of the blockchain network (e.g., Ethereum mainnet is 1).




    block_signed_at stringrequired

    The ISO timestamp when the block was signed.

    block_height numberrequired

    The height (number) of the block.

    block_hash stringrequired

    The hash of the block that contains the transaction.

    tx_hash stringrequired

    The transaction hash (unique identifier for the transaction).

    tx_index numberrequired

    The index of the transaction within the block.

    successful booleanrequired

    Indicates whether the transaction was successful (true/false).

    from stringrequired

    The address that initiated the transaction.

    miner string

    The address of the miner who mined the block (optional field).

    to stringnullablerequired

    The recipient address of the transaction. It can be null for contract creation transactions.

    value stringrequired

    The value transferred in the transaction, denominated in Ether.

    gas_offered stringrequired

    The amount of gas offered by the sender for the transaction.

    gas_spent stringrequired

    The amount of gas actually spent in the transaction.

    gas_price stringrequired

    The price of gas for the transaction, denominated in gwei.

    fees_paid stringrequired

    The total transaction fees paid, denominated in Ether.

    transaction_raw stringrequired

    The raw transaction data in hexadecimal format (optional field).

    input_data stringrequired

    The input data sent with the transaction, typically used for contract interactions.



    The list of log events emitted during the transaction.

  • Array [

  • log_index numberrequired

    The index of the log event within the transaction.

    raw_log_topics string[]required

    The list of topics (event signatures) in the log event.

    sender_address stringrequired

    The address of the contract that emitted the log event.

    raw_log_data stringrequired

    The raw data contained in the log event.

  • ]

  • explorer_url string

    A URL to view the transaction on a block explorer (e.g., Etherscan).

    transaction_cost string

    The transaction cost in traditional currency (e.g., USD).
