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Get Paginated NFTs for a given Collection contract address, including metadata for all NFTs (where available).



Get Paginated NFTs for a given Collection contract address, including metadata for all NFTs (where available).


Path Parameters

    network stringrequired

    Blockchain network name or chain id

Query Parameters

    address stringrequired

    The unique identifier (contract address) of the NFT contract in hexadecimal format.

    page number

    Page number for pagination

    limit number

    Number of tokens per page, Max 100 per page

    projectId stringrequired

    The id of your project. Can be found in your Histori dashboard.


Boolean indicating if the user is the owner of the NFT.


    network_name stringrequired

    Blockchain network name For the requested query

    chain_id numberrequired

    The chain ID of the network.

    page numberrequired

    The current page number

    limit numberrequired

    The number of tokens returned per page

    total_results numberrequired

    The total number of NFTs in the collection

    total_pages numberrequired

    The total number of pages for the requested range

    next string

    Link to the next page of tokens

    previous string

    Link to the previous page of tokens




    The list of NFTs for the current page

  • Array [

  • token_id numberrequired

    The token ID for the specific NFT.

    token_uri stringrequired

    The URI of the NFT, which can be an HTTP or IPFS URL.

    metadata object

    The metadata of the token, which can include images, attributes, and other data.

    owner stringrequired

    The address of the owner of the NFT.

    token_address stringrequired

    The address of the contract that issued the NFT.

    name stringrequired

    The name of the NFT.

    symbol stringrequired

    The symbol of the NFT.

  • ]
